Starship SpaceX Wiki

The Category "Sites, Infrastructure and Equipment" includes articles that are associated with the construction facilities, infrastructure, equipment and production/test sites.

This category has the following subcategories:

Construction/Building Site[]

This category includes articles concerning overview, buildings, history and activities of the construction/building site at Boca Chica.

Category: Construction/Building Site

Main Article: Construction/Building Site

An overview over the whole Boca Chica Site is given in the article Boca Chica Site Overview.

Boca Chica Village[]

This category includes articles related to the overview, history, buildings and activities of the Boca Chica Village.

Category: Boca Chica Village

Main Article: Boca Chica Village (CCA)

An overview over the four site categories is given in the article Boca Chica Site Overview.

Launch/Testing Site[]

This category includes articles related to the overview, history, buildings and activities of the launch/testing site.

Category: Launch/Testing Site

Main Article: Launch/Testing Site (VLA)

An overview over the four site categories is given in the article Boca Chica Site Overview.

Massey Outpost[]

This category includes articles related to the overview, history, buildings and activities of Massey Outpost.

Main Article: Massey Outpost

An overview over the four site categories is given in the article Boca Chica Site Overview.

Other Sites[]

This category includes articles related to the overview, history, buildings and activities of other sites such as McGregor or Hawthorne.

Category: Other Sites

General Infrastructure[]

This category includes articles concerning general infrastructure such as tanks, streets, communication, ...

Category: General Infrastructure


This category includes articles concerning equimpent such as cranes, test stands, man lifts,... as well as overviews over these equipments.

Category: Equipment

All items (40)
