Starship SpaceX Wiki

This category includes several sub-categories that contain articles dedicated to describing objectives and processes of testing (as opposed to construction) prototypes, tanks, engines and equipment.

The specific vehicle page includes testing timelines and information relevant to the particular vehicle. The articles in this category do cover more broader aspects such as the description of common or typical procedures that not only apply to a singul vehicle or tank.

Sub-Categories: History of the Starship Program[]

Currently, there are four phases of the SpaceX flight test program. These phases are not in any kind official and do not follow a standardised terminology. However, they are helpful to understand the different objectives of the different tests conducted.

Phase names (and categories) on this wiki with the respective prototypes (planned):

More information on the categorisazion (outcome based) can be found on the article Test Program Overview.

Sub-Category: Ground Testing Programs[]

This category includes articles that cover ground testing programs such as Mk, SN1-4 and SN7.

Sub-Category: General Testing Procedures[]

This category includes articles that cover typical and common testing procedures that do not only apply to a single vehicle or tank such as Static Fires, WDRs and ambient pressure tests.

All items (3)
