Due to the quantity of information, the General Timeline had to be split in several articles. The current "General Timeline"-articles are linked below:
- General Timeline: 2019 and before
- General Timeline: 2020-2021
- General Timeline: 2022-2023
- General Timeline: 2024-2025
Welcome to the General Timeline. It is primarily intended as a source for editors. Here, all updates and events will be posted. Date, description and source, with a link if possible, must be provided. Timeline sections in any other articles (such as the SN articles) should only refer to the Gerneral Timeline.
Events and activities are assigned to the days according to local time.
The General Timeline should be kept in a manner that it is search-friendly (CTRL+F).
- B: Super heavy booster number [new designation]
- BN: Super heavy booster serial number (first stage of the rocket)
- CH4: (Liquid) methane
- COPV: Composite overwrapped pressure vessel (black helium tank for tank pressurisation)
- FST: FutureSpaceTourist
- GSE: Ground support equipment, including ground tanks
- HPU: Hydraulic pressure unit (on booster)
- IT: Integration tower (for catching boosters and stacking starship)
- LN2: Liquid nitrogen
- LOX: Liquid oxygen
- LR: Liebherr crane
- MSIB: Marine safety information bulletin
- NET: No earlier than [+date] (but very likely later)
- NSF: NASASpaceflight
- OLM: Orbital launch mount
- OLS: Orbital launch site (the east part of the launch site)
- PB: Power bay or comms building (at the far east of the OLS)
- PPS: Propellant production site (prop prod site)
- QD: Quick disconnect (arm)
- RB: Raptor boost
- RC: Road closure (prim and sec - primary and secondary)
- RC: Raptor Center (same as raptor boost, but with gimballing capability)
- RSN: Raptor engine serial number
- RVac: Raptor vacuum engine
- S: Ship (upper stage) [new designation]
- SH: Starhopper
- SF: Static fire
- SN: Starship serial number (upper stage of the rocket)
- SoLS: Suborbital launch site
- SPMT: Self propelled modular transporter
- TFR: Temporary flight restriction (for flight tests, issued by FAA)
- TPS: Thermal protection system heat shield tiles (hexagonal black tiles)
- TVC: Thrust vector control, by engine gimbal; hydraulic or electric