Starship SpaceX Wiki
Article under construction
This article is under construction and therefore is missing certain information.

This Lexicon provides an alphabetic list of terms relevant in the community. If available, a link to an existing Wiki page is included. Abbreviations are mentioned separately but always refer to the main entry.

How to read[]

  • Bold: keyword
  • Italic: reference to another keyword
  • Underlined: link to an existing article on this wiki
  • Abbreviations: referenced to their main key word

Common Abbreviations Overview[]

  • S: Starship serial number (upper stage of the rocket)
  • B: Serial number of Super Heavy booster (first stage of the Starship rocket stack)
  • SN: Serial Number, used for the discontinued sub-orbital prototypes
  • BN: Booster serial Number, used for early Boosters that were used for ground testing (not flying tests)
  • CH4: (Liquid) methane
  • LOX: Liquid oxygen
  • NET: No earlier than [+date] (but very likely later)
  • SF: Static fire
  • SPMT: Self propelled modular transporter
  • TPS: Thermal protection system heat shield tiles (hexagonal black tiles)
  • TFR: Temporary flight restriction (for flight tests, issued by FAA)
  • COPV: Composite overwrapped pressure vessel (black helium tank for tank pressurization)
  • GSE: Ground support equipment, including ground tanks
  • OLIT: Orbital Launch and Integration tower (for catching boosters and stacking starship)
  • LR: Liebherr crane
  • NSF: NASASpaceflight (A popular YouTube channel for watching Starship and other space content/news)
  • OLM: Orbital launch mount
  • OLS: Orbital launch site (the east part of the launch site)
  • PPS: Propellant production site (prop prod site)
  • QD: Quick disconnect (QD for Superheavy on OLM and Starship QD higher on Integration tower)
  • RB: Raptor Boost (discontinued Raptor variant)
  • RC: Road closure (prim and sec - primary and secondary)
  • RC: Raptor Center (same as raptor boost, but with gimbleing capability)
  • RSN: Raptor engine serial number
  • SH: Starhopper or Super Heavy
  • SoLS: Old Suborbital launch site



Aft dome: Dome structure at the bottom of Starships, Boosters, and test tanks. Usually to be mated with the ->aft dome ring section on a ->sleeving stand.

Aft dome ring section: Or aft dome sleeve; usually a 3-ring stack that is sleeved with the ->aft dome on a ->sleeving stand.

Aft dome section: A three ring stack composed of the ->aft dome sleeved with the ->aft dome ring section. On the upper stage (ship), the 3-ring stack is usually stacked on to the ->leg skirt.

Ambient proof test:

Angry Astronaut: Youtuber, see article.

Artemis: A human spaceflight program by NASA and partners with the goal of sending humans to the moon again. SpaceX has a contract to contribute to the ->Human Landing System component of Artemis with its Starship.


B: ->Super Heavy (booster)

Belly flop maneuver: a Starship deceleration maneuver, performed by turning the ship over on its side.

Blue Origin: A private space company led by Jeff Bezos. The company protested against Starship HLS after they lost the award. Rockets: New Shepard, New Glenn.

Bluto: A Liebherr crane (LR1600/2). Also called ->Tankzilla.

BN: ->Superheavy (booster)

Boca Chica Gal: Also known as Mary. Resident of ->Boca Chica village. Photographer and filmer working for ->NasaSpaceflight. Most known for the daily video updates on their youtube channel.

Boca Chica Village: A village in Cameron county, South Texas used as base for SpaceX's Starship program.

Booster Thrust Assembly:

Bridge Crane: A crane that is installed on a roof using a bridge like construction. Such a bridge crane is currently installed in the ->High Bay.

Brownsville: Next major town in the region of ->Boca Chica Village.


Carriage System: See ->Chopsticks

CH4: ->Methane

Chopsticks: The catch and stacking arms are called "chopsticks". This is reference to the 1984 movie "The Karate Kid" that involves catchings flies with chopsticks. They are a part of the ->Orbital Launch and Integration Tower and will be used for stacking Starship and the booster on the ->Orbital Launch Mount. SpaceX also plans to catch boosters with them. The chopsticks are a structure that consists of two arms and a carriage system to which the arms are mounted. The whole structure is installed on ->Linear Bearings (skates) that allow it to move up and down.

Common dome: The common dome is a dome-shaped structure on both stages that separates the lower ->LOX tank and the upper ->Methane tank, thus the dome is "common" to both tanks. The common dome of the upper stage (Starship) has a hole in the middle in which the methane ->header tank is inserted.

Common dome sleeve: This name is given to the 3-ring (Starship)/4-ring (booster) stack that is slated for the ->common dome, which is not yet installed.

Common dome section: This name is given to the whole section in the middle of the ship/booster after the sleeving of the ->common dome and the ->common dome sleeve.

Crow [eating]: "When you make a mistake and are forced to acknowledge it humbly."[1] As the test program in Boca Chica is very unpredictable, the community is often left with making speculations. They refer to this with "eating crow".

Cryo proof test:

Cryo Tank Shell: The Cryo Tank Shells cover the ->GSE tanks for insulation at the ->OLS tank farm. There are 8 shells, however one of them has no GSE tank under it and is used for water storage.


Downcomer: The downcomer pipe is a pipe that leads from the upper methane tanks down to the engines.


Eileen: SN9

Elon Musk: Founder and CEO of SpaceX. Influencer and source of program related information on Twitter.

Everyday Astronaut: Famous youtuber covering space related topics.


FAA: ->Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Aviation Administration: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the largest transportation agency of the U.S. government and regulates all aspects of civil aviation in the country as well as over surrounding international waters.[2] It is the regulating body that is responsible for the whole space sector. SpaceX needs to work closely with the FAA in order to get approval for building plans, tests and launches.

Felix Schlang: German/US youtuber covering space related topics on his channel "What about it!?"

Flap: Flaps are aerodynamic covers that can move during descend in order to navigate the ship during the so called ->belly flop maneuver. There are two flaps positioned on the ->nosecone of the ship and two on the lower end (->aft section) of the ship.

Fog: Weather condition that impedes tank watching activities and launch observation

Forward (fwd) dome: The forward (fwd) dome is a dome-shaped structure that is located at the upper end of the ->methane tank (the upper tank on both the ship and the booster).

Forward dome sleeve: This name is given to the 4-ring (ship)/3-ring (booster) stack that is slated for the installation of the ->forward dome. The booster forward dome sleeve includes 4 holes for the installation of the grid fins.

Forward dome section: This name is given to the whole section of the uppermost part of the booster and the ship tank section as soon as the ->forward dome and the ->forward dome sleeve have been sleeved. On the booster, this section includes the grid fins. The adjacent sections on the ship (upper stage) are: ->common dome section (below) and ->nosecone barrel section (above).

Frankencrane: See ->LR11350

Fuel: Starship is using ->Methane for fuelling its ->Raptor engines, while ->Liquid Oxygen (LOX) is used as oxidizer.


Ground source equipment (GSE): Actually nearly everything stationary at the launch and build site is GSE. This can include tanks, pipes, stationary machinery and other structures. More specifically, the term is used to describe the big tanks built for the ->OLS tank farm that are covered with the ->Cryo tank shells. See ->GSE tanks

Ground vent: Also called grass vent earlier. A vent that boils off [?] at the SoLS tank farm towards the grassland east of the area

GSE: ->Ground source equipment

GSE tanks: Big cryogenic fuel storage tanks built for the ->OLS tank farm that are covered with the ->Cryo tank shells. They have been constructed similar to the Starship prototypes.


Header Tank: Header tanks are small spherical fuel tanks that are used for the landing sequence. During landing, the main LOX and CH4 tanks can't be used due to slosh. There are two types of header tanks: The liquid oxygen (LOX) header tank is located at the top of the nosecone and the liquid methan (CH4) header tank is located on the ->common dome between the two main fuel tanks. There have been header tank pressure issues during the early low altitude flight tests.

High Bay: The high bay is a 81 meters tall [citation?] assembly building located at the ->production site. It is used for final stacking of Starship and Booster prototypes. A bridge crane facilitates lifting operations.

Highbar: A bar that is suggested by Elon Musk and being built at the top of ->high bay.

Hoppy: The immortal starhopper, the first starship flight hardware. Currently on display at the launch site.

Hot Staging: Starship is the first reusable rocket to do hot staging, a procedure first tested on the second flight test. Hot staging describes the separation of booster and upper stage, where the engines of the upper stage are lit before the booster engines are completely cut off. SpaceX cuts off all but 3 engines and then lights all 6 raptor engines before the clamps release the vehicles. With hot staging, they can maximize the booster's performance - leaving 3 engines on reduces velocity loss due to gravity; also it helps to keep liquid propellants at the bottom of the ship tanks, reducing the risk of fuel slosh which can lead to irregular supply to the engines. Furthermore, risk at stage separation is reduced by creating a passive staging system - physics is doing the work and no mechanical parts are needed to push the vehicles apart. Ultimately, payload to orbit capacity could be increased by 10%.




Kong: See ->LR11350


LabPadre: LabPadre offers 24/7 live streaming services on Youtube, covering important facilities at the Boca Chica production and launch (testing) site in Texas. Discord server.

Lead-ins: Lead-ins are pins that are installed on the top of a tank segment. They are inward-faced in order to facilitate the stacking of another segment onto it.

Legs: Landing legs have been installed to suborbital Starship prototypes in order to enable landing. They were designed to crush upon impact. There have been problems with the mechanism that should swing them out.

Linear Bearings: Linear Bearings are small rolling structures that allow the carriage and chopsticks to move up and down the launch and integration tower. They are also called skates and have been installed on October 17th after a minor mishap on October 11th where one skate fell down.

Liquid Oxygen (LOX)

Load spreader: The Load spreader is a structure that consists of 1-4 beams and ropes. It is attached to a crane in order to balance the object that needs to be lifted.

Low Bay (Windbreak): A triangular shaped bay at the construction site. It has been used for nosecone stackings.

LOX: ->Liquid Oxygen



LR11350: The LR11350-P1800 crawler crane is a Liebherr crane that is currently positioned at the launch site in a configuration that includes a power boom. Also called Kong or Frankencrane.


Marcus House: Australian Youtuber from Tasmania about space related topics

Mars: Planet in our solar system and planned Starship destination.

Marvin: The name given by the LabPadre community to the SpaceX owned Liebherr 11000 crane, referred to ->LR11000X on this wiki.

MECO : Main Engine Cut Off. Also Most Engines Cut Off specifically for the Superheavy Booster.

Methane (CH4)

Mid Bay: A construction building at the build site. The mid bay has been used for the assembly of the uppers stage (ship) tank section, test tanks and ->GSE tanks for the ->OLS tank farm.

Massey's -> Massey's test site

Massey's Outpost -> Massey's test site

Massey's test site: a test site located at Starbase in Boca Chica, Texas. It serves as the primary cryogenic testing area for all ships and boosters and is also used to evaluate the structural aspects of test tanks. A flame trench and a Ship Static Fire Stand were constructed. It is believed that future Starships will conduct engine testings here.


NASA Spaceflight (NSF): Youtube channel with daily video updates from Boca Chica, news shows and interviews as well as livestream; Forum and online space news site.

Nerdle: A term used to describe the Starship community. It signifies a group of nerds.

Nerdle Cam: A livestream camera accessible on youtube by ->LabPadre.

Nosecone: The nosecone is the uppermost part of the upper stage (Ship/Starship). Two ->flaps are installed on it to help navigate the ship during descend (->belly flop maneuvre). During first test programs, the space within the nosecone is not used. When operational, the nosecone and the ->nosecone barrel section will be payload area that will be outfitted for the respective usage (crew vs cargo).

Nosecone barrel section: The nosecone barrel section is the 4-ring stack below the ->nosecone that is part of the payload area.

NSF: ->NASA Spaceflight


OLIT: ->Orbital Launch and Integration Tower

OLIT Vent: A very destinctive vent on the ->OLIT a little bit below the Ship ->QD arm, which indicates that the lines are being pre-chilled with ->LN2 ahead of fuel load. Therefore it is an important visual parameter in testing timelines.

OLM: ->Orbital Launch Mount

OLM Vent: A very destinctive vent on the ->Orbital Launch Mount, which indicates that the lines are being pre-chilled with ->LN2 ahead of fuel load. Therefore it is an important visual parameter in testing timelines.

OLS: ->Orbital launch site

OLS tank farm: The orbital launch site (OLS) tank farm is an area at the launch site in Starbase. Unlike the previously built tank farm at the west end of the launch site which has been used for the suborbital testing phase, the orbital launch site tank farm is located at the east end of the launch site and is likely to be used for orbital launches of the Starship test program. The OLS tank farm is the storage area for liquid methane and liquid oxygen which is used as propellant for Starship and Super Heavy.

Orbital Launch and Integration Tower (OLIT/OLS, IT): The orbital launch and integration tower is a tall tower at the ->Orbital Launch Site. It was constructed in 2021 and will be used for stacking the rocket on the ->Orbital Launch Mount, stabilizing the stack, fuelling the upper stage via the ->QD arm, and it is planned to catch the booster and possibly even the ship using the so called ->Chopsticks (stacking and catching arms).

Orbital Launch Mount: The orbital launch mount, or orbital launch table, is a highly complex structure at the ->Orbital Launch Site adjacent to the ->Orbital Launch and Integration Tower. The Starship rocket will be stacked on the Orbital Launch Mount for orbital flights. The system includes a quick disconnect for booster fuelling as well as several other parts. However, it remains still unclear, whether some sort of noise supression system will be used.

Orbital Launch Site: The Orbital Launch Site is the area, where SpaceX plans to conduct first orbital test flights. Most progress on the site has been made during 2021. The following infrastructure is part of the OLS: ->OLS tank farm, ->Launch and integration tower, ->Orbital launch mount, power and comms building, earth wall.


Perlite: An amorphous volcanic glass with the unusual property of greatly expanding when heated sufficiently. It is used for insulation material between the ->GSE tanks and the ->Cryo tank shells at the ->OLS tank farm.

Preburner test: During a preburner test, the entire launch countdown is executed, including the ignition of the raptor engines. However this test differs from a static fire test because the engines do not generate any thrust. In the past, preburner tests were a routine part of SpaceX's testing timeline for ships however, since the 12th November 2021 with S20, these tests have ceased to be a regular part of testing procedure. Despite this, there was an exceptional preburner test conducted on S26 on October 26th 2023


SQD: The Ship Quick Disconnect is an integral part of the Orbital Launch and Integration Tower, serving two primary functions. Firstly, it is responsible for loading the ship with essential substances such as LOX (liquid oxygen), CH4 (methane), LN2 (liquid nitrogen), and power. In addition to its loading capabilities, the Ship Quick Disconnect also contributes to the stability of the entire rocket. This is achieved through the use of clamps that securely hold onto the top of the booster. The name "Ship Quick Disconnect" originates from the requirement for it to swiftly swing away from the tower immediately after the booster engine ignition.


Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly (RUD): A term used by Elon Musk and the community to describe a unplanned mishap resulting in an explosion and the loss a test tank or prototype.

Raptor Boost engine (RB): A non-gimbaling ->Raptor engine on the outer ring of a booster. According to Elon Musk, their performance and specifications are the same as the other Raptor engines and the only difference is the mounting point.

Raptor Center engine (RC): A ->Raptor engine on the booster that is capable of gimbaling but does not differ otherwise to ->Raptor Boost engines or ->Raptor Sea Level engine.

Raptor engine: The engine developed by SpaceX for the Starship program.

Raptor Sea Level engine (SL or RSL): A ->Raptor engine on the ship that is capable of gimbaling. There are three such engines on a ship. They are mainly used for landing, but were also used for take-off of early Starship prototypes.

Raptor Vacuum engine (Rvac or R-Vac): A ->Raptor engine on the ship that is optimized for operation in the vacuum of space. There are three vacuum engines on a ship, although Elon Musk suggested, they might increase the number to six[3]. It has an extended, regeneratively-cooled nozzle for higher specific impulse in the vacuum, although early variants have smaller nozzle sizes than the final version in order to avoid flow separation during sea-level testing.

Raptor van: A transport vehicle that is used for transporting ->Raptor engines from the test site at McGregor to Boca Chica and return them for repair.

RB: ->Raptor Boost engine

RC1: ->Raptor Center engine

RC2: ->Road closure


Road closure: The closure of highway 4 that is necessary for testing and launch operations at the launch site. Sometimes also used for roll outs. Planned road closures are made public on the Cameron County website and are used by the community to predict potential testing operations by SpaceX. Closure point usually right after the intersection between hwy4 and Eichorn blvd. ->LabPadre Sentinel camera often points towards closures.

RUD: -> Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly

Rvac: ->Raptor Vacuum Engine


S: ->Ship

Serial Number: Prior to June 2021, SpaceX and the community counted the Starship prototypes according to serial numbers and the abbreviation SN respectively. The last fully built prototype to use this naming scheme was SN16. Later, they changed the name of the upper stage to ->Ship (S).

Ship (S): Since June 2021, SpaceX and the community use this term to describe the upper stage of the ->Starship rocket. This replaced the previously used term "Starship" that described the whole program, the whole rocket and the upper stage. The abbreviation S replaced the previously used SN that stands for ->Serial Number. The first prototype to be named according to the new naming scheme is ->Ship 20, the first prototype with full TPS heat shield tile coverage and orbital flight capability.

Superheavy: -> Super Heavy Booster

Super Heavy Booster: the first stage of SpaceX's Starship launch system. It has 33 Raptor engines in three rings. It is 1.829 m (6.00 ft) in height, and 3.97 mm (0.156 in) thick, and around 1600 kg (3,600 lb) in mass.

Skates: ->Linear Bearings

Slosh [of a liquid/fuel]: "to move around noisily in the bottom of a container, or to cause liquid to move around in this way by making rough movements"[4]. Slosh is a problem for Starship tanks: If the CH4 and LOX tanks begin to empty, movement of the ship will lead to movement of the liquid propellants that again leads to ullage collapse. This in turn makes it difficult to suck the liquids at a constant rate to the engines. Therefore, slosh needs to be avoided if possible. SpaceX tried to use Helium tank pressurization on SN10, which lead to other problems.

SN: ->Serial Number

SoLS: ->Suborbital launch site

SoLS Tank Farm:

South Padre Island

SpaceX: Space Exploration Technologies Corporation. A space company founded in June 2002 by ->Elon Musk (CEO). COO and president is Gwynne Shotwell. SpaceX built the Falcon 9 rocket with reusable first stage, on which they regularly send crew and cargo missions to the ISS. SpaceX also tries to establish a huge satellite constellation (Starlink) in order to provide internet connection to more remote locations over the globe. Their most ambitious project is Starship, where they aim to build a fully (100%) and rapidly (daily turnover, no refurbishment) reusable heavy lift rocket, something that no company has ever done before. The vision is to colonize Mars using this rocket.

Spin Prime Test: According to NSF, "SP (Spin Prime) means that the engine's turbopumps were brought up to speed but there was no ignition". A small amount of oxygen flows through the oxygen turbopumps in the raptor engines to validated plumbing and engine spin up. This is a step before a preburner test (which is no more being conducted as of 2023) and doesn't require SpaceX to issue a notice to the residences as a sonic boom is not expected. Also, this means that the engines don't get ignited. Each engine has two turbopumps, one for the LOX and the CH4 side each. During a Spin Prime Test, either side alone or both toghether can be tested. During the first spin prime test on booster 7 with all 33 engines the methane dump reacted with the oxygen of the air under the OLM resulting in an explosion and damage on booster engines. Elon Musk concluded that SpaceX wouldn't conduct a SPT with all 33 engines again.

Starship: The word has two meanings. Starship can signify both the whole rocket (first and second stage) and thus stands for the whole program as well as the upper stage exclusively. However, in 2021 SpaceX changed the naming scheme, now calling the upper stage simply "Ship".

Static Fire: The test firing of a rocket engine either on a test stand or installed at the rocket. Duration can vary from less than a second (likely indicating problems) to full flight duration. Two applications: 1) One of the final testing steps befor a launch can happen that includes partial fuelling of the vessel and a short ignition of the Raptor engines (all or a selection). 2) Test static fires of single Raptor engines on a specially designed Raptor stand at the testing facility at McGregor. The static fire is one of the final major test objectives before launch and aims to test the function of the engine(s) integretad into the whole system of the launch vehicle. Steps that precede static fires usually are: ->ambient and ->cryo proof tests (non engine related), ->spin prime and ->preburner tests (engine related). SpaceX may skip spin prime and preburner tests and proceed direct to static fire of a Ship.

Stringers: A term used for vertical stiffeners on the outside hull of tank sections. They help to carry the structural loads. Stringers are typically used in aircrafts, ships and spacecrafts such as the Falcon 9 that uses stringers in the kerosene (RP-1) tanks.

Suborbital Launch Site: Western part of the ->Launch site. Its main components are the ->SoLS tank farm and the two test and launch pads A and B. The SoLS is the first part of the launch site that has been built and has been used for most of the prototype testing prior to orbital tests including the launches of suborbital starship prototypes. It is believed that the SoLS will used for integrated cryo and static fire tests on orbital capable vehicles before stacking on the ->Orbital launch mount. It was demolished after static fire of ship 30. It is believed that cryo prove and static fires will be conducted at Massey's test site in the future.

SQD: The Ship Quick Disconnect is an integral part of the Orbital Launch and Integration Tower, serving two primary functions. Firstly, it is responsible for loading the ship with essential substances such as LOX (liquid oxygen), CH4 (methane), LN2 (liquid nitrogen), and power. In addition to its loading capabilities, the Ship Quick Disconnect also contributes to the stability of the entire rocket. This is achieved through the use of clamps that securely hold onto the top of the booster. The name "Ship Quick Disconnect" originates from the requirement for it to swiftly swing away from the tower immediately after the booster engine ignition.


Tank Farm: Area of ground based tanks that hold ->LOX, ->CH4 and LN2 as well as water and other equipment that are related to the processing and loading of consumables. Currently [Feb 22] there are two tank farms at the Boca Chica ->Launch site: The ->SoLS tank farm (built first) and the ->OLS tank farm. SpaceX appears to plan a second orbital launch site which would need another tank farm.


Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR): "A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is a type of Notices to Airmen (NOTAM). A TFR defines an area restricted to air travel due to a hazardous condition, a special event, or a general warning for the entire FAA airspace."[5] It is being issued by the ->FAA. At Boca Chica, a continuous TFR that has to be renewed on a monthly basis is in place, usually up to 10000ft altitude, thus preventing drones (other than SpaceX owned/approved drones) to fly over the area. For launches however, a seperate TFR has to be issued that covers higher altitudes.


TFR: -> Temporary Flight Restriction

Tim Dodd: Youtuber, the "Everyday Astronaut", in depth coverage of space related topics, lifestreams.

TPS Heat shield tiles: Hexagonal tiles that are attached at the "belly" side of the ship that prevent it from melting during reentry into earth's atmosphere.


Ullage: The gas-filled portion of a tank containing liquid. In liquid-fuelled rockets, the remaining volume of the liquid fuel tanks is pressurised with Ullage Gas to provide additional structural strength to the tanks as well as limit cavitation at the turbopump suctions by increasing the suction pressure. A common Ullage Gas is Helium, as it is inert and very light, however it is also possible to use the gaseous form of cryogenic fuels as ullage gas with Autogenous Pressurisation. When the rocket is under acceleration, the liquid and gas contents of the tank are orientated as normally on Earth with the gas above the liquid, however when under zero-G the gas and liquid can freely mix and would starve the engines of fuel if not corrected. To reorient the propellant, an Ullage Burn is required prior to lighting the rocket engines, which can be done with RCS thrusters or dedicated Ullage motors.

Ullage Collapse: A relatively rapid decrease in Ullage Pressure caused by cooling of the Ullage Gas. This can be caused by excessive sloshing, allowing the warmer gas to mix well with cold cryogenic fuel. As the gas cools, its pressure reduces. A particular danger with Autogenous Pressurisation is the Ullage Gas condensing which causes a significant reduction in pressure as the now liquid takes up much less volume.


Vent, venting

Virgin Galactic


WAI: ->What about it?!

WDR -> Wet Dress Rehersal

Wet Dress Rehersal (WDR)

What about it?! (WAI): Youtube channel owned by Felix Schlang. Space news and coverage of SpaceX's Starship program.

Wide bay: The wide bay is a building at the production site that is currently under construction. It is expected to be a bit higher than the high bay but much larger in base area. It will enable SpaceX to reach a higher ship and booster production cadence as they will be able to work on more vessels simultaneously.



